
Getting Started

Training Guidelines

A Typical Event

Carting Champions







A Typical Carting Event


  The Course

Harnessing and hitching (Worth 5 points)

The handler places both the cart and harness in a position indicated by the judge.   Standing a few paces forwards, the handler is told to harness and hitch the dog to the cart.  This means the dog must stand still while the harness is collected. Sometimes you take the dog to the cart and sometimes you bring the cart to the dog depending on the judge. On completion the judge inspects the harness, traces and cart and notes if both are comfortable and will cause no injury to the dog.

The judge marks the dog on it's steadiness.  In other words, if the dog moves while being harnessed it could lose 1/2 a mark or more.  If you leave the dog in a Stand and it Sits it will lose marks for changing position.  If you tug at the choke chain you will lose marks and if you touch the dog i.e. move it into position by grabbing it you will lose marks.
Basic handling (Worth a total of 20 points)

In an area free of obstacles and with the cart hitched the handler and dog will haul forward at normal, fast and slow pace, perform a left or right about turn, halt and then do a back-up in a straight line for the length of dog and cart.
The fast, normal and slow pace,  the about turn and the halt are all worth 3 marks each.  The back-up is worth 5 marks.

Points would be lost if the dog did not do a Fast or Slow pace, did a wide about turn or hit the sign,  refused to sit or stand as per the handler's command to halt and did not back-up.  If you have a tight chain, tug the lead or let the dog work too wide you will lose marks.

Maneuvering (Worth a total of 65 points)

The course will be clearly laid out.  The handler and dog will complete the course as directed by the ring steward in the Novice Carting class.  In the Senior Class the course may be completed without direction.
The course must include the following:

  • Loading/unloading.  The judge will provide a load which must be loaded into the cart and secured.  The loaded cart must be hauled at least half of the course before being unloaded.  Worth 5 points.
  • Left and right turns and about turns.  These can be worth 2 1/2 points upwards.
  • Figure of Eight worth 5 points
  • Broad Curve to the left or right worth 5 points
  • Narrow area, which is normally a bridge.  The dog may be recalled through or walked through.  Worth 5 points.
  • Removable obstacles. Usually a gate.  Obstacle must be removed before going through and then replaced afterwards. Worth 5 points.
  • Back up. The dog must back up a distance equal to the length of the dog and cart. This is worth 10 points.
  • Recall.  During the course the handler will leave the dog for at least 10 paces before recalling the dog either to front or heel. Worth 5 points.
  • Distraction. The judge will provide a distraction e.g. open umbrella, soft toys, a person taking photos at a point where no commands are to be given. The dog is allowed a short bark or stare. Worth 5 points.
Marks would be lost if you have a tight lead or tugged the lead, the dog hit a sign, refused to negotiate a bridge or gate, touched the figure of eight poles or went too wide of them, if the dog did not recall or anticipated the recall.  If the dog avoided the distraction or went over and sniffed it.

The dog must be steady while being loaded and the articles must be secured.

The judge must watch the dog in the back up. If the dog actually backs up but is assisted by the handler by having a tight lead, some points will be deducted.  The dog should back up on a loose lead.

Stays (Worth 10 points)

These are done as a group exercise with the dog harnessed and hitched to the cart.

The Novice stay is for 1 minute and the handler can decide whether the dog must sit or stand during this exercise and will be in sight although the judge can tell the handler to leave the dog and Halt which means you will be looking away from the dog.

The Senior stay is 3 minutes and usually out of sight.  The judge will decide whether the dog must sit or stand.

A Senior Class doing a Sit Stay